Here are our top tips to prevent dental decay in kids and ensure a lifetime of healthy teeth 🦷👍🏽
1. Healthy eating - avoid sugary food and drinks, especially paying attention to how frequently they are being eaten. Stick to healthy options such as veggie sticks, cheese and yoghurt.
2. Care don’t share - cavity causing bacteria can be spread through sharing utensils. Children are not born with the bacteria that causes decay in their mouth but it can be introduced to them by sharing utensils.
3. 2 minutes x 2 per day - brushing with fluoride toothpaste and plaque removal is key. Introducing floss at a younger age is important so that children become used to it as it can be uncomfortable if they have never done it before.
4. Dental sealants - your dental practitioner may recommend sealants which help to protect chewing surfaces and prevent decay in any deep grooves, this is an excellent preventative strategy that protects particularly susceptible areas.
5. Early and frequent dental visits - your child’s first dental visit should ideally be no later than age 1. Continuing visits ensures that your child is acclimatised and not frightened of the dentist but also any issues or concerns can be addressed or prevented, avoiding lengthy or painful dental work.